Javier Maricura Almendra
Tourism Coordinator

Javier has been an adventure guide since 2016 and he works giving nature tours about interpretation of flora and fauna according the mapuche cultural frame and cosmovision. Has been also a museum guide at the Mapuche Museum of Cañete. 

He started got involve with the tourism when he was 15 years old, while he was attending highschool got the curiosity of signing up for tourism instructions provided by the NGO where he is part now, the Corporación Mapuche Nahuelbuta. 

He attended the technical school Douc UC in Talcahuano, and currently is a promotor of the cultural tourism and mapuche culture, trying to build networks and circuits in the Cayucupil valley that connect the sacred Araucaria woods on the highlands of Nahuelbuta cordillera with the urban areas of the big concepción and the rest of chile.